#20Things to Add to Your Leadership Library

Nsights: Leadership Library I’m fortunate enough to work with some pretty cool…and smart people. Each year at the Future Leaders Conference held by the American Society of Association Executives, we ask our facilitator team members to offer up their “must read”...

Nsights: #20Things I Learned from Filming a Video Clip

1.       Get a strong sense of what you need to communicate. 2.       Watch completed videos of the company/organization to get a sense of tone. 3.       Know your audience – who is the primary group you’re trying to reach?  Who’s the secondary group? 4.      ...

Nsights: 2018 Theme

Each year, since 2005, I’ve chosen a theme for the year instead of a New Year’s Resolution. Some friends are choosing an “intention” for the year instead of resolutions as well. Honestly, this year I wasn’t very inspired. So of course, I crowd sourced! Many thoughtful...

Nsights: On Resolutions 2017

January is a time for making annual resolutions. I just learned that this tradition began with the Babylonians about 4,000 years ago in an article by Melkote Ramaswamy in the IndyStar! Resolutions are really about commitment – a personal resolve to do something new,...