Karyn Nishimura Sneath’s Bio
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Karyn Nishimura Sneath owns Npower, a nonprofit-focused leadership and organizational development consulting practice. She likes to describe herself as a Flexible (and fun) Facilitator, a Smart Strategic Planner, and Creative Consultant.
Npower started in 2001 based on two elements: N – for Nishimura and P – for Power. She is committed to the concept of empowerment – giving away power to strengthen and transform people and their organizations. Through Npower she has served over 240 clients consisting of associations, foundations, fraternal organizations, professional societies, and universities. Karyn has designed and delivered more than 760 training programs through the years.
Professionally, she volunteers extensively with the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE). She is currently the vice chairman of the ASAE Key Consultants Committee and will become chairman in September 2020. In 2018, she was named an ASAE Fellow which recognizes individual accomplishments and contributions to ASAE and the association sector. Fellows comprise just 1% of the overall ASAE membership. She served two terms on its Professional Development Section Council (2017-2018 and 2009-2012) and one term on the Diversity & Inclusion Committee (2013). Karyn is also committed to young professionals’ development having served as the co-lead facilitator of the annual ASAE Future Leaders Conference from 2004-2019.
Personally, she is a volunteer board member for The Shift Initiative, a nonprofit whose mission is to help people shift the way they think, talk, care, and act about mental health and wellness. Recently, she finished her four-year term as a board member for the Sigma Kappa Foundation as governance chair in June 2020.
She’s been married to her Kansas Jayhawk husband, Steve, since 1992. Both are thankful they bonded while working at Wichita State University in the early 1990s playing together on a recreation league softball team. She is constantly learning from one of the most interesting and thoughtful female leaders, her teenage daughter Skyler.
Karyn Nishimura Sneath
Owner, Npower
Twitter: @knsneath